
Providing Medical Grants to Promote Healthcare Progress

Medical grants are essential to funding innovation and progress in the healthcare field. Medical researchers, innovators, and scientists are constantly searching for ways to improve patient care and give everyone a better quality of life. These researchers work hard to create new medical treatments, therapies, devices, and technologies that help people live with injuries and diseases that would otherwise be debilitating. 

But research and innovation can take years to develop. Not to mention, once a device, vaccine, or technology is created, it must be rigorously tested before it is brought to market. For this reason, medical research is an expensive process.

Why Choose Capillary Foundation Medical Grant

This is why many innovators require financial assistance to get their ideas off the ground and end up applying for medical grants. This makes grants a critical means of funding medical innovation and healthcare progress. 

Unfortunately, grant applications can be highly competitive, and many talented researchers do not receive the funding they need to significantly advance their work. 

On top of that, other aspects of the innovation process represent huge barriers for anyone who does not already have a significant source of funding in place. This includes the prices of raw materials, wages for research assistants, and the cost of FDA testing and patent development.

This is where Capillary Foundation comes in to help. So, why should you turn to us for a grant?

We provide medical grants to anyone who is actively engaged in the process of developing medical devices or research and has struggled to access them through other means. Our goal is to break down the barriers present in the current medical grant system. These barriers prevent many researchers and innovators from accessing the vital funding they need to develop their potentially life-saving work.

While we are a new charitable foundation, we are stable and reliable, with substantial funding already in place to help innovators turn their ideas into reality.

Types of Grants For Innovators

If you are a medical researcher, innovator, or scientist looking for funding to support your work, you may be wondering how to get started. Fortunately, many types of grants are available to help you achieve your goals. We offer two main types of medical grants: research grants and grants specifically for developing medical devices.

Medical Research Grants

Individuals or companies in the medical research field can turn to us for either full or partial funding for their research projects. The project can be new or ongoing, and we do not discriminate based on education level or previous funding. 

We do not want a researcher to ever worry about ending or giving up on their research because they do not have enough money to continue.

So whether you are turning to us to get off the ground or seeking additional funds to maintain your current project, we are here for you.

We are proud to be able to provide medical research grants to support projects in any healthcare field. We are committed to encouraging any research that could potentially enhance the care of patients, whether they are battling cancer, cardiovascular problems, or any other disease or injury.

Medical Device Grants

We also provide grants to individuals or companies involved in the creation of medical devices. Similar to our research grants, the grants for medical devices are available to any innovator who is actively engaged in the development of medical devices. Regardless of whether their device already has working prototypes or is being tested.

In addition, our medical device grants are open to innovators working in ophthalmology, oncology, diagnostic radiology, or any other field. As long as the goal is to give patients a higher standard of care and better quality of life, we want to help you.

How Our Medical Grant Funding Works

So, how exactly does our medical grant process work? 

  • Once an application is received, it will undergo a preliminary review by one of the board members of Capillary Foundation. 
  • After submitting your application, one of our team members will be in touch to ask you questions to determine the status of the project’s development, and any track records you may have of its progress, goal-setting, and ethical standing. 
  • From there, the entire board of Capillary Foundation will do a more extensive review of all applications for our grants for healthcare in its quarterly meeting. Then, our team will notify any approved applicants, and we will coordinate the logistics of grant distribution.

While anyone will be considered, our focus will remain on the most disadvantaged innovators as we seek to address funding disparities that have plagued the medical research industry. 

As mentioned above, we fund research or devices regardless of the field. 

In addition, you must be actively engaged in the process of the development of medical devices or research to qualify. there are, however, no restrictions in terms of how far along you need to be in the research or development of the project. And anyone is free to apply, whether they are an individual or part of a company.

When you apply for our grants, you will be qualified to enter the consideration process as long as you can provide documentation showing that the funds will be used for bona fide research or innovation. Please note that it is unlikely that unrestricted grants will be considered for funding.

If you receive one of our grants, you are free to re-apply to any future ones we offer. In the case of re-applications, we will want to see documentation outlining the current status of your project and how much progress has been made on its development timeline.

Capillary Foundation Grant Eligibility Requirements

Traditional funding avenues often have high entry barriers, such as large competitors and strict eligibility standards that prevent people from applying in the first place.

At Capillary Foundation, we want to change the game.

For this reason, our grants for healthcare are open to anyone within the United States of America and the territories of Guam and Puerto Rico. 

If you are interested in applying for a Capillary Foundation medical grant, please contact us to request an application and see if you are a fit.

Apply Today For Capillary Foundation Medical Grants

Capillary Foundation is proud to offer medical grants to researchers and innovators who are actively engaged in the process of the development of medical devices and who are in need of funding for their research projects. We are committed to helping those who wish to make a difference in the world of medicine, and we hope that by providing these grants, we can help spur innovation and progress. 

Are you a medical researcher or scientist actively engaged in the development of medical devices and looking for financial assistance to fund your innovative work? If so, we are interested in hearing about your research project or medical device and how it can be used to improve the health of others.

We believe your project has great potential, so we urge you to apply today for one of our grants. Our team will review your application and let you know if you are eligible for a grant from Capillary Foundation. 

Support from innovators like you is how we are able to continue funding innovative projects that have the potential to change people’s lives for the better. That is why we want to thank you for your interest in Capillary Foundation and look forward to reviewing your application soon.

Need Financial Assistance for Your Medical Innovations? Apply Now!

This is the first step in applying for funding from Capillary Foundation. Please fill out this form thoroughly and only once. We review applications in the order in which we receive them. Multiple applications from the same individual or team are not permitted at this time, as they could slow down our assessment process. We will be in touch soon regarding your application status.
